Showing posts with label snorkelling. Show all posts
Showing posts with label snorkelling. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 2, 2009's the little things...

Diving is such a thrilling experience, but sometimes when you've done it for a while, you forget to appreciate all the different experiences that the ocean has to offer. Its important to sit back and take notice of the little things sometimes - and that can be both in the way we conduct ourselves and when we look for excitement below the waves.

Taking Discover Scuba Diving students nearly every day, I 'd always thought that you'd get to know the house reef like the back of your hand, maybe even get bored. I was so wrong! For a start - every student is different, and that makes every dive different too. Secondly, you never get tired of giving someone their first glance of the underwater world. Everyone reacts differently, some love the gear, some admire the fishes, for many simply the feeling of diving itself is such a thrill. We come across new challenges and every new challenge solved is a fresh feeling of satisfaction.

I also began to notice on the reef that if I put myself int he right frame of mind, even the same, well-worn route would always through up new surprises. Two days ago the reef seemed to be teeming with crabs, then the next day after some crashing waves, an eery quietness as creatures ducked for cover from the weather. Some fish are territorial and I can always guaranteed my favourite little blenny will always sit in the same little alcove each day as my students and I return from our dive - but even he changes! Some days his colours seem to mottle to match the rocks and algae - other dives the red hues of his scales stand out proud and dazzling.

So when I turn my view the right way, the reef always has a treat in store - we don't always have to look for the big animals or famous fish. Spotting a tiny one who cowers in a crevice is almost more satisfying because you found him when other might have missed his small hidy-hole.

Similarly, we recently had a gentleman come to us to ask about diving. His friends often dived and he drove them to the sites in their home country - but being unable to swim, he had never been allowed the pleasure to joining them. It became apparent that he might not be suited for diving, having never been in the water since childhood. Then we offered to introduce him to snorkelling. 'Perfect!@ he declared 'I just want to see what's down there, what my friends see'.

With a suit and floatation aid to keep him bouyant, one of our instructors took him for a one-on-one session on our calm sea-pool. With some advice on how to position himself and stabilise his movement, he was able to look below and see what he'd longed to - minute fish in huge numbers skimmed by, colourful wrasse picked at the sandy bottom for morsels, crabs skipped to and fro over the tide line on the algae-encrusted walls. The customer was delighted - and so were we!

So don't forget the little things. When you can appreciate the smaller and simpler pleasures that our watery world affords us, we can never be disappointed!