Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brand New Wreck at Malta P31

Divewise had a fab day out yesterday visiting Comino and the brand new wreck the P30. Everyone had a great time checking out this brand new attraction, which is rather conveniently at 18m and so well within Open Water Divers reach for adventure!

The P30 is the sister ship of the P29, which currently resides at Cirkewwa. We're just wondering where the one inbetween went and when the P30 will be joining the fleet at the bottom of the ocean - the more the better we say!

Check out the fab photos courtesy of Stu Keasley, who joined us on our day.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

All about Eve

Wow, you really wouldn't think that Data Entry would be the inspiration for a Blog! But as it happens... I've been getting to grips with EVE, PADI'S Scuba Centre organisational software. Its amazing what you can do with it - log kit for divers and remember what sizing they need, track their progress on courses, organise transport and trips and even SMS you with hot new news and dives from the Divewise HQ. Of course we do all of these things already - but with Eve, we can do it faster and better - leaving more time for better service and most importantly DIVING!
Not that this is what really got me thinking about the Blog today - it was more filling in the details of previous customers and certifications. What a nice trip down memory lane! Thinking about all the faces that have passed through our doors and the things that they've achieved. I also got to thinking about all the ways that we contact and communicate with you, our friends and customers. Eve works with emails, postal addresses, SMS text messages and even Skype - then on the Divewise Website, we've got Facebook, Myspace, Twitter and more.
Its not really a small world - its huge and full of exciting diving and friendships to be had, but with modern communication, its easy to feel very close together - everything is instant! Lets just hope our bodies can keep up with the pace!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Maltese Malaise and Merry Mermen

We're over half way through the busiest month of the year for Divewise Malta, and with typical good luck timing, half of the staff have caught a really nasty summer cold. As a centre, we care about making sure our staff are fit and healthy. We won't force instructors into the water with blocked ears that could cause them harm. However, we can still make sure that everyone is kept busy and satisfied, with those well enough to teach taking a rest from the water and helping students master their theory whilst recovering ready for more fun diving!
Other than the bug going about, everyone is pretty relaxed and happy. More and more people are achieving their Open Water Diver level everyday, as well as Divemaster qualifications and EFR Instructor status!
We're looking forward to a busy but happy September and October, with lots of old friends returning for an Autumn treat holiday. Plus there's the Guniess World Record attempt by Sean McGahern to look forward too, and you can check out the Blog for that by clicking RIGHT HERE

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Peak Season Hits Malta!

So how are you? I know, I know, I should have called - its been too long. Yes I did change my hair colour, thanks for noticing... Its been a while since the last blog if you hadn't already guessed! But there's good reason, I promise. Peak season hits Malta in August, with a huge influx of Italian holiday makers, as well as a good representation from just about every nation!
The streets are packed with tourists taking in the sights and sounds, while the beaches are lined with bronzing bodies.
Here at Divewise, we're absolutely booked out - diving is so popular and we're the place that people choose it seems! Other centres complain of noticing the credit crunch - we're crunching numbers - 85 BCDs, 90 Wetsuits, 50 pairs of boots... on and on the stock list goes - and its all rented out! Wow!
Friends are returning for their second holiday of the year, students are discovering their first underwater experience and old pros are improving their teaching status! Its all go at Divewise and we love it that way!
So, I promise - I'll touch base again soon, and have a big slice of cake waiting for me! I'll need the energy!