When I was searching through the photos the other day I found a selection of pictures from past Instructor Development courses (IDC's). Some of you will have already sat an IDC. Some of you may currently be considering it. Some of you may never sit one in your life. But if you are thinking of ever becoming an instructor – it’s got to be done.
Get something wrong and you could end up looking like this .....
But don't worry there are always Staff Instructors on hand to look things up for you ...
You will find yourself in some awkward positions at first .....
And Alan may dispair ......
Which I will cover in a later blog. . . .
Difficult and stressful as it is, a lot of Instructors will tell you looking back they actually enjoyed it.
So what do you do during the IDC?
The IDC is 2 weeks of training, so essentially Nev is given a group of soon to be instuctors that he can use as his own personal audiance for his never ending bad jokes!
Nev and audience pre joke ...
Nev and audience post joke .....
At least Nev enjoyed the joke!
Get something wrong and you could end up looking like this .....
But don't worry there are always Staff Instructors on hand to look things up for you ...
Dont worry you're not in the classroom the whole time. You spend time in the pool and sea learning to deal with problems .....
You will find yourself in some awkward positions at first .....
But after a few sessions, feedback and fine tuning ....
you start to look like a professional ....
Once those two weeks are over theres no time to relax, It's straight on the the two day Instructor Examination.
Which I will cover in a later blog. . . .
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